In light of challenges presented by COVID-19, Princeton suspends undergraduate standardized testing Due to the unprecedented challenges presented by COVID-19, including the disruption to coursework this spring and the lack of access to...
What’s up with The Common Application in 2020? Part 1.It’s almost time to fill out college applications. . . wait, but even before that, students need to write their supplemental essays and...
College Knowledge: 7 ways that applying to college will not changeIn many ways, applying for colleges this year will be the same as ever. For high school seniors, the future of college is difficult to...
Recommendation Letters In the Era of Covid-19Now, with mandated social distancing in our lives for the foreseeable future, all schools, big and small, are faced with the very same...
2020 Advanced Placement tests – 8 tips to succeedIf you have teenagers who expected to take Advanced Placement tests this year, the College Board recently released detailed information...