Do I Have to Take a Subject Test?
If you're applying to one of the schools on the below list, the answer is PROBABLY.
We previously wrote about schools that require the SAT Subject test, this blog will reference the schools the recommend the SAT Subject Test. Keep in mind, when a school says "recommend" it's almost as good as saying "required."
These schools recommend Subject Tests for ALL admissions candidates
Brown University (RI)
Dartmouth College (NH)
Duke University (NC)
Georgetown University (DC)
Harvard University (MA) (except “if the cost of taking the tests represents a financial hardship or if you prefer to have your application considered without them”)
Lafayette College (PA)
Lehigh University (PA)
Hillsdale College (MI)
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Morehouse College (GA)
North Carolina Central University
Princeton University (NJ)
Rice University (TX)
Swarthmore College (PA)
University of Pennsylvania
University of Puerto Rico Bayamon
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Webb Institute of Naval Architecture (NY)
Yale University (CT)
These schools recommend Subject Tests for SOME admissions candidates
Carnegie Mellon University (PA) – engineering, humanities/social science, information systems, science, computer science and business applicants
Catholic University of America (DC) – arts/sciences and philosophy applicants
Johns Hopkins University (MD) – engineering applicants
Pratt Institute (NY) – architecture applicants
University of California, Berkeley – chemistry and engineering applicants
University of California, Irvine – School of The Arts, engineering, pharmaceutical sciences and public health applicants
University of California, Los Angeles – engineering applicants
University of California, Riverside – engineering and natural/agricultural science applicants
University of California, San Diego – biology and physical sciences applicants
University of California, Santa Barbara – engineering and College of Creative Studies applicants
University of Delaware – applicants to Honors Program
University of the Pacific (CA) – engineering, physical science, life sciences, engineering management, pre-medical, pre-dental and pre-pharmacy applicants
Score at the top